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Moderator: Wolfgang Hank
Partner: Hugh Halladay
Woran denken sie als erstes, wenn sie hören "Delorean" ?
What is your first thought when you hear "Delorean" ?
Gullwing doors and Stainless Steel
Hatten Sie schon einmal Kontakt mit einem Delorean?
Had you ever a contact to a Delorean?
"We first 'met' our DeLorean in about 1984 when a friend and co-worker, a fellow car nut named Monty,
used his DeLorean as daily driver. The D was parked in the company
parking lot almost every day and got lots of attention.
Was für ein Auto fahren / fuhren sie am liebsten?
What is the favourite car you drive / drove?
1. Delorean
2. Corvette 1976
Was war ihr erstes eigenes Auto?
What was your first own car?
1948 Frazer (built by Kaiser)
Was für ein Auto würden sie gerne einmal fahren?
Which car you wanna drive once a time?
McLaren Mercedes Benz
Was fällt ihnen spontan zu Nordirland ein?
What is in your mind spontaneously to "Northern Ireland"?
Titanic and Delorean
Gibt es etwas, das sie den deutschen Delorean-Besitzern noch mitteilen wollen?
Is there something you wanna say to the German Delorean owners?
If all German Delorean owners are simular to the owners we know, than we wanna meet them all. And all members from the German Delorean Club are welcome at the AZ-D! We love guests!
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